Vice Principal Message | Maharishi Vidya Mandir (CBSE) School, Puducherry
Maharishi Vidya Mandir
Vice Principal's Message

Dear Patents, Guardians and Maharishi Vidya Mandir Family,-

As the vice principal of the reputable organization I take into account it my privilege to pen down my message for the website of our school. I feel very fortunate to work with our dedicated and committed staff members, parents and students.

As rightly said by Sir Anthony Sheldon “Education is a once in a lifetime opportunity to open children’s hearts and minds to the unbelievable wonder of the universe.”– At the Maharishi Vidya Mandir students are nurtured into becoming their best in a holistic manner as we are committed to their academic, physical and psychological advancements.

We believe that the true meaning of education is achieved when the mindset changes and one begins to think about the betterment of society, the country and the world in general. At Maharishi Vidya Mandir, we provide the students value based education and opportunities to grow in every sphere of life. Our students are paving their way towards great heights in the field of co- curricular activities, games, and sports.

Our distinguished academic programmes and innovative teaching methodologies plays a major role to develop critical-thinking and enquiry based learning and reasoning and helps develop key personal and social values, to take ownership for his/ her choices and to set goals to realize their own unique potential.

Additionally, our parents are clearly an important part of school life both on and off campus. We seek to endeavour and encourage your unwavering support of your children and by extension the institution, regarding the development of children on an on-going basis.

I am honoured to be part of this wonderful institution and I take great pride in welcoming you to this prestigious institution where we foster in our students the desire to be elements of inspiration in our society.

Thank you for your support.

Ethel Nina Joys.D

Vice Principal

Maharishi Vidya Mandir (CBSE) School,
Mullodai, Kanniyakoil, Puducherry - 607402, INDIA
Land Line : 0413 - 2615043 Mobile No: +91-8903370863 General enquiries: For Enquiries
Admission : +91-8903370863
Transport: +91-8903370871


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