Rules and Regulation | Maharishi Vidya Mandir (CBSE) School, Puducherry
Sr. No. Time Duration Period
1 08.20 a.m. – 08.30 a.m. 10 Minutes Reporting & Assembling
2 08.30 a.m. – 09.00 a.m. 30 Minutes Assembly & Morning Meditation
3 09.00 a.m. – 09.10 a.m. 10 Minutes Morning Break Fast
4 09.10 a.m. – 09.50 a.m. 40 Minutes 1st Period
5 09.50 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. 40 Minutes 2nd Period
7 10.30 a.m. – 10.40 a.m. 10 Minutes Short Break
8 10.40 a.m. – 11.20 a.m. 40 Minutes 3rd Period
9 11.20 a.m. – 12.00 Noon. 40 Minutes 4th Period
10 12.00 Noon. – 12.30 p.m. 30 Minutes Lunch
11 12.30 p.m. – 01.10 p.m. 40 Minutes 5th Period
12 01.10 p.m. – 01.50 p.m. 40 Minutes 6th Period
13 01.50 p.m. – 02.20 p.m. 10 Minutes Short Break
14 02.00p.m. – 02.50 p.m. 50 Minutes 7th Period ECA & CCA
15 02.50 p.m. – 03.30 p.m. 40 Minutes 8th Period
16 03.30p.m. – 03.40 p.m. 10 Minutes Evening Prayer

Class Boys Girls Day
L.K.G - UKG Brown colour trousers + Brown checked shirt. Brown colour Pinafore + Brown checked shirt. Monday to Friday
Class I - Class V White colour trousers + White shirt. White colour Skirt + White shirt. Monday
Class I - Class V Brown colour trousers + Brown checked shirt. Brown colour Pinafore + Brown checked shirt. Tuesday to Saturday
Class VI - Class VII White colour Phant + White shirt. White colour Skirt + White shirt. Monday
Class VI - Class VII Brown colour Phant + Brown checked shirt. Brown colour Pinafore + Brown checked shirt. Tuesday to Saturday
Class VIII White colour Phant + White shirt. White colour Churidar Monday
Class VIII Brown colour Phant + Brown checked shirt. Brown colour Churidar Bottom + Brown checked Top. Tuesday to Saturday

• On a daily basis, all students should wear white socks and black shoes (Monday to Saturday)
• Girls must plait their hair on both sides using a white ribbon.

Fee are collected in three installments in April, August and December. The fees will be remitted on or before the 10th of the month. Fees can also be remitted annually for the whole year in April. Transport charges are collected three installments a year in April, August and December


Examinations are a formal assessment process, where students can showcase their knowledge and proficiency in a given subject or topic. It is an effective way to analyze the students’ understanding and grasping power. Examinations are a measurement of how much the students learn and constraint in their study. To evaluate the student's ability of learning, the MVM school conducts 6 Periodic Assessments for Grades Pre.KG to Grade V and 4 Periodic Assessments as well as half-yearly and annual assessment for Grades VI to VIII.


• On working days and at the school functions children are expected to wear the uniform prescribed for the session. They must come to school neatly dressed or else they must
  will be sent back and will be liable to disciplinary action.
• Children are strictly forbidden from going out of the school during school hours without permission from the Principal.
• Books, Notebooks, Bags, Tiffin box, etc. should bear their name and class of the owner. The school is not responsible for any such thing that gets lost.
• Those who bring bicycles should keep them properly locked at the place fixed for them. Cycling in the school premises is not allowed.
• Once a student attends the school, he / she will not be allowed any sort of leave. In case of emergency the child will be escorted home by the parent with the written
   permission of the principal.
• Class monitors shall maintain the class discipline in the absence of the teacher. All students should Co – operate with the monitor in maintaining discipline in the class.
• No student shall go out of the class without out – pass.
• No student shall loiter in the school and disturb the teaching of the other classes. Free time is to be properly utilized in the reading room and library.
• All the pupils should come in the prescribed neat uniform everyday during the school hours and to all school function.
• Pupils should not come with ornaments or valuable articles to school. They are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
• During school hours parents / guardians are not allowed to see their wards or their teachers in the classroom without the permission of the Principal.
• Any communication, request or complaint made by the parents / guardians should be addressed only to the Principal and not to the class teachers.
• Any willful damage caused by the pupil to the building, furniture, apparatus or any other school property is liable to be made good by the parent / guardian.
• Pupil who is ill for a long period must produce a Medical Certificate.
• Homework assigned to the pupil by the teachers should be done regularly and parents / guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities by checking the    homework of their wards.
• Pupil should be punctual to school and bring the prescribed books according to their timetable.
• Pupil will be eligible to sit for Examination only if they put in 80% of attendance.
• Distributing chocolates on birthday is strictly prohibited.

Maharishi Vidya Mandir (CBSE) School,
Mullodai, Kanniyakoil, Puducherry - 607402, INDIA
Land Line : 0413 - 2615043 Mobile No: +91-8903370863 General enquiries: For Enquiries
Admission : +91-8903370863
Transport: +91-8903370871
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