MVM ECA Actvities | Maharishi Vidya Mandir (CBSE) School, Puducherry
Extra Curriculur Activities

While studies are important, non-academic activities are equally important for the healthy development of the students. At MVM School, our focus is on developing students that are good in both sports and activities. Our school equipped to offer sports, music, and other non-academic activities. With this, we maximize the students’ passion.


Extracurricular activities allow the children to learn something that could stay with them for a lifetime, those activities instil key skills and personality traits that can be helpful in other walks of life. Whereas Sports are key to developing teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills. A musical instrument requires perseverance, hand-eye coordination and above all creativity. These are skills that provide continued benefits long after their education is completed.

Children who participate in extracurricular activities have been found to have a beneficial impact on important academic outcomes such as reading, math achievement and course grades, as well as problem-solving skills, memory, creativity, and critical thinking.

Away from the classroom, it's a great way for the students to socialise with their peers while doing something they all enjoy. This gives the students a chance to develop their social skills, meet new friends and become more confident communicating in groups.

Extracurricular activities can also aid in the development of self-esteem and confidence which is are the essential tools for positive mental health and well-being. ECA also provides a fantastic tool for the students to develop critical time management skills.

We believe that the lesson learnt from participating in extracurricular activities will help students with getting a job or just living their life to the maximum.